Magnets could speed up dental implants treatment
The leading dental implants North West clinic is keeping a close eye on developments
As the acknowledged dental implants North West specialists Carisbrook Dental is obviously keen to follow the development of this new procedure, which it is claimed can speed up the integration process of the implant by between 40 and 70 percent.[caption id="attachment_3225" align="aligncenter" width="600"]

Dental Implants North West[/caption]Dental implants are the alternative to loose dentures and they work by firstly having the titanium implant screwed directly into the jawbone before a custom-made tooth or bridge is attached to the implant. They are described as being the closest thing to having your natural teeth back but this two-stage process takes time and up to now at least cannot be hurried. The titanium implant has to integrate with the bone – in other words the bone needs time to grow around it to hold it securely in place before the tooth can be attached.Now, however, according to the company that has developed this new procedure, by using a miniature electromagnetic transmitter incorporated into the end of the implant this integration time can be dramatically reduced.Electromagnetic fields are already used by surgeons to heal complicated bone fractures because they encourage the creation of bone-building cells. The makers now say that the MED (miniaturised electronic device) will make the bone grow faster into the implant.In addition to speeding up this first stage of the dental implant process it is also claimed that the MED will mean that patients who were previously considered unsuitable for dental implants because of their poor bone quality could now benefit from the treatment.As the leading dental implant North West clinic Carisbrook is keen to explore the possibilities of this new development, which is already approved in the EU and is due to be introduced to UK dentists next year.At Carisbrook not only is there a specialist dental implant surgeon, but all the dental crowns and bridges are also manufactured to perfectly match the texture, shade and appearance of the patient’s natural teeth. Such is the clinic’s reputation that many dentists across the North West and from around the country actually refer their own patients to the dental implants North West clinic for dental implant treatment.Carisbrook will be monitoring the progress of this development and no doubt if the results are as dramatic as are forecast then MEDs could very well become a part of the dental implant North West clinic’s procedure in the future.If you would like to discuss your own suitability for dental implant treatment you can book an appointment to arrange a new patient free consultation. Please call us on 0161 951 7295 or you can use the online form on our Appointments page.
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