Teeth whitening can make you look up to 12-years younger
Readers of the Daily Mail may have noticed an article last week by Dr Tariq Idrees of Carisbrook Dental in which he highlighted the results of recent research that he had conducted, which proved how much of an impact teeth have on the appearance of youth.Badly stained teeth, the research showed, can age women by as much as 12-years and men by 10-years. Even lightly discoloured teeth are thought to add six years on a woman and four years on a man. While people with white teeth and a nice smile not only look younger and have more confidence, but they also tend to have more successful careers, get better promotions and higher salary … and they also enjoy a happier social life.

Kate Moss with natural stained teeth looks her real age of 41 but is judged at just 35 in a digitally-enhanced image showing her teeth whitened.Little wonder, says Dr Idrees, that demand for Teeth Whitening at Carisbrook Dental, regarded as the leading Teeth Whitening Manchester specialists, has shot up by 40 percent in the last five years.To conduct the survey, Dr Idrees took photographs of well-known models and celebrities, such as Kate Moss and Helena Bonham Carter and then digitally enhanced their teeth to give their naturally discoloured teeth a whitened smile. People who then compared the pictures said that the transformation took many years off their appearance.When photographs of models who have gleaming white teeth were re-touched to show them with stained teeth, the estimates of their age rose in proportion to the degree of staining.There are many reasons why teeth become discoloured and stained and in addition to genetic causes the main culprits are smoking, red wine, tea and coffee.

A panel guessed the age of the model in the photo on the left as 21. In the middle photo with stained teeth they guessed she was 23 and in the photo on the right with heavily stained teeth the panel guessed she was 25.If you go to our Teeth Whitening Manchester page you can discover how Carisbrook, who are recognised as the Manchester Teeth Whitening experts, now offer an impressive range of different teeth whitening options. Importantly, all these treatments are undertaken by highly experienced and qualified dental professionals. Buying teeth whitening products online or over the counter can be extremely dangerous says Dr Idrees, while entrusting it to an unqualified person such as a beautician is totally illegal.You can read the full Daily Mail article here: Can a bright smile really make you look younger?But if you would like to discuss teeth whitening with Carisbrook Dental why not give us a call on 0161 951 7295, or send us a message from our Contact page and we will get straight back to you.
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