Our Smile Stories

See some of the incredible smile results we’ve achieved for our patients at Carisbrook Dental.

Smiling at Carisbrook Dental

Explore our smile stories


Dental Implants

Multiple Treatments

Anthony was terrified of the dentist and had not been for many years due to his fear. His main concern when he came to Carisbrook was his upper front teeth. Anthony’s upper front teeth had become rotten, mobile and were causing recurrent abscesses and pain.



Crowns and Bridges

Multiple Treatments

Pauline had a dental implant bridge with pink porcelain added to make up for her lost bone and gum. Bone and gum is lost naturally after teeth have been extracted.



Multiple Treatments

Chris was unhappy, his teeth were breaking and he was losing teeth. Chris needed lots of complex work. He had braces, dental implants and new crowns and bridges. Chris has now had no problems with his teeth for 3 years and is confident eating and smiling.



Multiple Treatments

Linda came to the practice unhappy with the old dentures, which she had wore for the last five years. She has to use adhesive to keep the dentures in as they moved when she spoke. Dr Idrees examined Linda and the dentures were deemed to be un-sportive of her lips and face. A new set of dentures were constructed to support her lips and face better and to improve the fit of the dentures.



Multiple Treatments

Craig had lost his front teeth due to a failed bridge. We manufactured a precision denture for him which slots in to his new crowns. The denture is very retentive and Craig can eat what he likes. A precision denture is a good alternative to implants.



Multiple Treatments

Liz had very few teeth left and came to see us from Wales. We decided to extract her remaining failing teeth and place dental implants. We then made her Dentures which click on to implants. The dentures are very firm and she can now eat what she likes, even steak.



Multiple Treatments

Sue comes from Yorkshire to see us. She had a course of invisible braces followed by two dental implants to replace her front two teeth. The implants were restored with all ceramic crowns.



Dental Implants

Multiple Treatments

Bob came to see us and had some natural failing teeth which were causing facial swellings. Bob had these teeth extracted and after healing had four dental implants placed. After the implants had healed Dr Idrees constructed a full upper mouth bridge for Bob. Bob is delighted with the result and can now smile and eat with confidence.



Invisible Braces

Multiple Treatments

Kathryn was unhappy with her smile. She underwent a course of fixed invisible braces with our orthodontist. Following this Dr Idrees bleached her teeth with the Enlighten system and veneered her front upper four teeth.



Multiple Treatments

Darren came to the practice after recently suffering from a stroke. Darren’s teeth had been failing for many years, he had already lost all his upper teeth and a few lower teeth. Darren wanted to look better especially after his near-death experience and also be able to eat properly. Darren is a chef and runs events company with his partner. We placed six dental implants in his upper jaw and one in his lower jaw. He had an upper full mouth implant bespoke bridge and in the lower jaw a combination of veneers, crowns and an implant crown. Our aim was to build up his bite and improve his smile.



Multiple Treatments

Kath had naturally missing teeth and retained baby teeth (hypodontia) which affects 2% of the population. She found it difficult to eat and was embarrassed of smiling and talking. Kath had worn dentures all her life even as a child, but as some of her baby teeth failed it became more difficult to eat. She had a course fixed invisible braces, dental implants, tooth whitening and cosmetic dentistry.



Dental Crowns

Multiple Treatments

Mel came to the practice looking for help with her upper front crowns. They had been fitted many years ago and over the years her gums had receded and caused a visible dark margin around her crowns. Mel’s teeth naturally stuck out and our plan was to bring the teeth in as much as possible and replace her crowns.



Dental Crowns

Multiple Treatments

Kath was unhappy with her current smile and crowns, as she felt they were irregular in shape and appearance. When Kath came to Carisbrook she explained her daughter was getting married in three months time so it was important to her that she had an improved smile for her daughter's big day. Kath's treatment started with a course of teeth whitening, followed by four porcelain crowns. Kath was delighted she had her dream smile in time for her daughter's wedding and could smile with confidence throughout the day.



Dental Implants

Multiple Treatments

Helen came to the practice as her natural teeth were failing. She had a combination of failing crowns, failing teeth and multiple gum abscesses. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save Helen’s teeth and they were extracted by Dr Idrees. We then allowed time for her gum and bone to heal before the placement of dental implants. Implant retained dentures have made a natural yet huge difference to Helen’s smile.



Dental Implants

Multiple Treatments

When Collette first attended Carisbrook Dental she was missing multiple teeth, some of her teeth were falling and she was unhappy with her current crowns and veneers. We were able to save and restore some of Collette’s teeth, and those that couldn’t be saved were extracted and replaced with dental implants. To finish Collette’s treatment she had crowns, veneers and implant bridges. Collette’s dental treatment has improved her confidence greatly and she is recommending our practice to all of her friends and family!



Dental Implants

Multiple Treatments

Barbara had been attending her current dentist for over 20 years before making the move to Carisbrook Dental. Her current front teeth were her main concern, as they looked long, out of proportion, misaligned and pushing outwards from her lip. Barbara explained to Tariq that she did not want a perfect smile, she just wanted to improve the appearance of her upper front teeth. Over the years Barbara has suffered with gum disease which had caused her gums to recede. Barbara’s treatment included a course of teeth whitening, a dental implant and a gum graft by Dr Rob Adams and four new veneers and crowns. Barbara is happy with the result, especially in her side profile. We have brought her teeth into alignment and drastically improved her smile.



Dental Implants

Multiple Treatments

When Barry first visited Carisbrook, he told us he had a history of breaking his dental restorations and teeth and asked us what we could do for him. Barry is a tooth grinder which resulted in him grinding his teeth down into a deep bite. Patients who have a deep bite tend to break their teeth even more, so improving Barry’s bite was the first and most important step we needed to take. Barry had orthodontic treatment to align his teeth and open up his bite. This was followed by three dental implants to replace his broken teeth, Enlighten teeth whitening and a combination of crowns and veneers were used to improve his smile, with natural results. Can you guess which of Barry’s teeth are dental implants?




Multiple Treatments

Katie came to Carisbrook Dental with porcelain veneers that she was unhappy with. She felt they were out of proportion to each other. Katie was happy with the colour of her current veneers but felt the gum margins were incorrect. She also felt the width of the central veneers were too wide and created a 'bulky' appearance which she disliked. In cosmetic dentistry symmetry is the most important factor, and is often forgotten or misunderstood by a lot of dentists. The aim in Katie's case was to get her teeth looking more in proportion and around the gums to give a symmetrical appearance. Our team achieved the symmetrical appearance she desired by carrying out a small gum lift followed by six new porcelain veneers. Katie's new veneers are still as white as her initial veneers were but are more in proportion and the gums are more symmetrical.



White Fillings

Multiple Treatments

Kirsty was unhappy with her upper lateral incisors as they were naturally small in height compared to her adjacent teeth. Kirsty wanted to improve her smile in the simplest and least invasive way, so chose to whiten her teeth and have composite/white filling build-ups. Dr Idrees built Kirsty’s lateral incisors up using white fillings which have improved her smile overall as her teeth are now in more proportion.



White Fillings

Multiple Treatments

Michelle had recently undergone six years of orthodontic treatment when she first came to Carisbrook Dental. Unfortunately, the result wasn’t ideal and Michelle was unhappy with the final appearance of her teeth. Michelle’s teeth were worn and she had a missing upper right canine, she wanted to go ahead with the least invasive option to improve her smile. Michelle chose to whiten her teeth followed by composite build ups on her front upper six teeth to improve the appearance. To replace the missing tooth, a dental implant was placed and restored with a crown. Composite/White Filling build ups involve no preparation to the teeth so there is no long-term damage to your teeth. They can also last a long time, and in the event of a breakage or chip they can easily be repaired or replaced. Michelle’s white filling build ups look great and have made a big improvement to her smile.




Multiple Treatments

Ali was unhappy with her smile and chipped incisors. She underwent a course of braces followed by whitening and composite bonding on her incisors by Dr Idrees.



Invisible Braces

Multiple Treatments

Natalie had been to a few dentists to try to stabilise her bite and smile. She had a deep bite and white filling build ups. To improve her bite our orthodontist completed a course of invisible braces, which was followed by whitening and six porcelain veneers. Natalie was so happy she referred her husband and father in law to us too.



Invisible Braces

Multiple Treatments

Debra was unhappy with her smile and especially concerned about her failing back teeth and inflamed gums. When she first came to see Dr Idrees she had a deep overbite, that meant her top teeth overlapped her lower teeth too much. This can lead to problems such as an increased chance of breakages to restorative work such as crowns and veneers. After a consultation, there were a few different treatment options to improve Debra's smile. Debra chose to have a course of orthodontics (invisible braces) to realign her smile and her missing teeth replaced with dental implants. We improved Debra's smile with a combination of crowns, veneers and teeth whitening. After completion of treatment, Debra was made up with her new smile!

Find us
Carisbrook Dental Care
6 Knowsley Rd, Whitefield,
Manchester. M45 6BF
Opening Times
Monday: 9am – 5pm
Tuesday: 8:30am – 6pm
Wednesday: 8:30am – 6pm
Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: 8am – 3pm
Saturday: 9am – 1pm (every second weekend)
Sunday: Closed

Ready to get started?

Request an appointment with our team of dental professionals.

  • Dental check-ups
  • Dental hygiene
  • Emergencies
  • General dentistry
  • Cosmetic dentistry
  • Teeth straightening
  • Teeth whitening
  • Dental implants
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