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Are six monthly dental appointments a good idea?

It all depends on the patient says a top Manchester dentist.

The Chief Dental Officer for England has questioned whether it is really necessary for patients to visit their dentist every six months for a routine dental check-up. Dr Sara Hurley says that “one size doesn’t fit all” and so for many patients two visits per year may not be required. She does concede however, that there are some patients, especially at the younger end, whose diet includes lots of sweets and fizzy, sugary drinks, who would certainly benefit from more regular dental check-ups.As a leading Manchester dentist, Carisbrook Dental definitely has its own views on this subject. According to Dr Tariq Idrees there are certainly lots of patients who should maintain the discipline of a least six monthly appointments.[caption id="attachment_3225" align="aligncenter" width="458"]

Dental check-up

Dental check-up[/caption]Having regular examinations helps to instill a high level of motivation and discipline says Dr Idrees. At Carisbrook he says that they find that patients who regularly attend dental check-up appointments very rarely require any work doing. On the other hand, by cutting down appointments to say once a year, Carisbrook find that the level of motivation slips and twelve months can very easily become fourteen, sixteen or even twenty months or more. Then, if the patient is experiencing any problems, tooth decay for instance, then they frequently feel embarrassed at not keeping up with their appointment schedule and very often they tend to put it off … and off … until it is just too late.As a busy Manchester dentist, says Dr Idrees, although he agrees in principle with Dr Hurley’s comments, he believes that a blanket approach to regular dental check-ups does no harm because it installs a discipline and prompts people to look after their teeth knowing that their dentist will be examining them in a few months time. This simple motivation, says Dr Idrees, certainly encourages people to look after their teeth and to adopt a good daily dental hygiene routine.Having said that, says Dr Idrees, at Carisbrook they often apply the ‘Traffic Light’ approach, because every patient is different each one should be risk assessed on a regular basis. ‘Green’ patients, who are passionate about preventative dentistry routines rarely require treatment and so could be seen less often. ‘Amber’ patients are in the main OK, but it could be that they need the discipline of regular dental check-ups to help keep them motivated. ‘Red’ patients, however, are the people most at risk. This group often includes but is not restricted to children, teens and young adults who are likely to have a high sugar level in their diet and as a caring Manchester dentist Carisbrook know that this is the most vulnerable group whose teeth need to be reviewed on a regular basis and who require constant encouragement to maintain their dental care.The more often you visit your dentist tends to prompt greater oral hygiene motivation, so if you want the advice of this top Manchester dentist – it is do not neglect your appointments. Regular check-ups will pay off in the long run.If you would like to book an appointment, either for a routine dental check-up or to discuss any treatment, then please contact us. You can either call us on 0161 951 7295, or you can book it online by using the form on our Appointments page.

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رعاية الأسنان في كاريسبروك
6 طريق نوسلي، وايتفيلد،
مانشيستر. متر 54 6 قدم
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الإثنين: 9 صباحًا - 5 مساءً
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