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Breaking News! What to do if you break a tooth.

The top Manchester dental clinic offers advice and reassurance for broken teeth

There was a time when if you broken teeth, either through biting on something hard, falling and banging your teeth, an accident or sporting injury, then the chances were that the damaged tooth would have to be removed. Thankfully today that is simply not the case and according to Manchester dental clinic – Carisbrook dental – the majority of broken teeth can now be repaired and saved.[caption id="attachment_2947" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

Broken Teeth

Broken Teeth[/caption]The best advice, if you are unfortunate enough to break a tooth is to book an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible. The other thing you should do is to regularly rinse your mouth either with a mouthwash or salt water to ensure that it remains as clean as possible and to reduce the possibility of infection.If you are in pain then over-the-counter pain relief should be sufficient until you see your dentist.According to Carisbrook, the leading Manchester dental clinic, there are several options your dentist can provide depending on the amount and type of damage sustained.If the damage is slight, maybe a small chip, then the chances are that the tooth can be repaired quickly and easily using white fillings.If it is a more serious break then the restorative dentistry required may mean that your dentist will prepare the remaining part of the tooth and will use a dental crown or cap to rebuild and protect the tooth.In the worst cases, where the damage has exposed the soft tissue centre, which contains nerve endings and capillaries, then this could mean you require a root canal filling. Don’t worry, according to this leading Manchester dental clinic these days root canal therapy is simple, straightforward and is no more painful than having a normal filling.The important thing to remember though is to always seek dental advice as quickly as possible. Remember, a broken tooth will not repair itself … and it will only get worse unless it is treated correctly. If you do leave it then the chances are that it will lead to pain and the need for much more complex treatment.At Carisbrook Dental, the leading Manchester dental clinic, we offer an excellent dental emergencies service that includes cover during evenings and weekends. If you do suffer a broken tooth – don’t leave it – call 0161 951 7295 and let us make an urgent appointment to put the matter right as quickly as possible.

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