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Could a sore gum lead to Alzheimer’s?

Regular dental care to prevent gum disease could also help to prevent dementia suggests study

Gum disease has already been linked to numerous health problems such as heart disease and cancer, but now new research has indicated that dementia patients who have it tend to deteriorate faster. Having gum disease, the study suggests, could increase a person’s risk of developing dementia by up to seventy per cent, but people who take steps to prevent gum disease may be at far lower risk of contracting the damaging brain disease.In a recent study researchers in Taiwan investigated 9,300 patients who had recently been diagnosed with chronic periodontitis, a common gum disease. They then compared them with 18,700 others who had healthy gums and the results published in the journal ‘Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy’ indicated that those people with long-term gum disease were seventy per cent more likely to develop Alzheimer’s during their lifetime.The reason for this, say scientists, is that mouth bacteria that enters the blood stream through bleeding gums could eventually damage the brain.At Carisbrook we have always stressed how important it is to take preventative dentistry measures in order to help reduce the risk of gum disease. Now it appears that this professional advice is even more important and our main recommendation is that everyone should practice a healthy dental routine:• Brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste twice a day• Floss once a day and use a mouthwash• Visit your dentist for regular check-ups• Adopt a sensible diet and avoid too much sugary food or sweet, fizzy drinks• Do not smoke. Did you know that almost fifty per cent of smokers suffer from some form of gum disease?Signs of gum disease to watch out for are:• Bad breath that doesn’t go away• Red, swollen, tender gums• Gums that bleed easily during brushing• Pain when cleaning• Teeth that feel loose• Sensitive teeth• Gums receding• Loose teeth and recurrent abscessesIf you do suspect that you have any of these symptoms it is vital that you take steps to prevent gum disease developing into something worse as quickly as possible. If you would like to make an appointment for a Free Consultation to see one of our dental team please get in touch right away. You can call us on 0161 951 7295 or alternatively you can contact us by using the online form on our Appointments page.

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رعاية الأسنان في كاريسبروك
6 طريق نوسلي، وايتفيلد،
مانشيستر. متر 54 6 قدم
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الإثنين: 9 صباحًا - 5 مساءً
الثلاثاء: 8:30 صباحًا - 6 مساءً
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الخميس: 9 صباحًا - 5 مساءً
الجمعة: 8 صباحًا - 3 مساءً
السبت: 9 صباحًا - 1 مساءً (كل عطلة نهاية أسبوع ثانية)
الأحد: مغلق