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How to choose your next toothbrush

It’s the first essential for effective teeth cleaning

Two minutes, twice a day. First thing in the morning and last thing at night. That’s the teeth cleaning message we’ve been emphasising for some considerable time but unfortunately, the latest research figures still suggest that many people do not brush their teeth correctly and as a result, too many are suffering serious and unnecessary tooth decay and gum disease. Even if you do adhere to the best dental hygiene advice can you be certain that you are using the right toothbrush? Here are a few more tips on choosing the most appropriate toothbrush and how you should use it.Choose the right sort of bristleThe first piece of teeth cleaning advice we would give you is to avoid brushes that have hard bristles. Bristles that are too firm can wear away the enamel surface of your teeth and can also cause damage to sensitive gums.Equally, you must not choose a brush with very soft bristles. They may feel more comfortable but they are not very effective at removing plaque and food debris.For the best teeth cleaning treatment always choose a toothbrush with a medium bristle!A manual or electric toothbrush?Whether electric toothbrushes are better than old-fashioned manual brushes has long been a subject of fervent debate. However, the latest research and analysis now seems to suggest that electric is best. A report published a couple of years ago concluded:‘Powered toothbrushes reduce plaque and gingivitis more than manual tooth brushing.’At Carisbrook, we would generally agree with that conclusion. If you have a perfect teeth cleaning technique then manual teeth cleaning is fine, but the simple fact is that the majority of people just do not manage that level of expertise. Even if they do then they will almost certainly not be consistent. Therefore we have to agree that electric toothbrushes are probably better. They are consistent in their teeth cleaning technique and are far more effective at removing plaque because they are designed to gently massage teeth and gums correctly. In other words they do all the hard work for you.One additional piece of teeth cleaning and Teeth Whitening advice we would pass on is that we would suggest, if you’re going for an electric toothbrush, you choose one with a pressure sensor that warns you if you’re pressing on too hard.So we hope that you find these teeth cleaning advice useful, but if you would still like to discuss any additional dental hygiene advice with us then please do not hesitate to contact us. You can call us on 0161 951 7295 or you can contact us by using the online booking form on our Appointments page.

Teeth Cleaning

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رعاية الأسنان في كاريسبروك
6 طريق نوسلي، وايتفيلد،
مانشيستر. متر 54 6 قدم
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