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Prepare to repair!

How our restorative dentistry treatments can save damaged teeth

Years ago if you suffered a broken tooth, a chipped tooth or if one or more of your teeth were badly decayed, then the chances were that the only remedy was extraction. That is certainly not the case any longer and at Carisbrook we pride ourselves on our restorative dentistry skills that mean very frequently we can not only save damaged teeth, but even better, we can restore them to looking their natural best.There are many reasons why a tooth can be broken or damaged. An accident, sporting injury, assault; even biting on hard food or tooth decay can cause damage, but today we can provide a number of different repair options depending on the nature and severity of the problem.For minor chips we often use a teeth whitening and white filling specially made to match the natural teeth to create what is virtually an invisible repair. For more severe damage then our restorative dentistry options include crowns that are individually made to cover, protect and improve the appearance of your teeth. When we make a crown for a patient we produce it so that it is an exact match to the colour, shape and shade of the surrounding teeth. In fact there will probably be only you who will be aware that it isn’t real!On the other hand, if your tooth or teeth are actually missing and not just damaged, then we can still provide an excellent range of restorative dentistry solutions.One solution may be to manufacture a specially made dental bridge. This treatment uses your existing adjacent teeth as an anchor point to support the dental bridge that will effectively restore your smile, while at the same time it will enhance your ability to bite, chew and speak. A well made dental bridge will also maintain the shape of your face, while at the same time it will help to prevent other teeth from drifting out of position.Yet another option is that we could recommend carefully customised dentures that we can make to replace anything from a single tooth to all of them. Today’s modern materials and manufacturing methods are far superior to those ‘old style’ dentures and not only do they look perfectly natural, they will also improve your smile, appearance and self-confidence. Modern dentures will also greatly improve your chewing ability and will help to make eating a pleasure again.If you have suffered a damaged tooth, a broken tooth or you have a missing tooth or teeth then remember, you do not have to ‘just put up with it’. Please contact us to discuss with best Manchester Dentist all the different ways in which our restorative dentistry treatments can help. Right now we are offering a FREE CONSULTATION for all new patients so you couldn’t choose a better time to get in touch. You can call us on 0161 951 7295 or you can contact us by using the online booking form on our appointments page.

Restorative Dentistry

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رعاية الأسنان في كاريسبروك
6 طريق نوسلي، وايتفيلد،
مانشيستر. متر 54 6 قدم
أوقات الافتتاح
الإثنين: 9 صباحًا - 5 مساءً
الثلاثاء: 8:30 صباحًا - 6 مساءً
الأربعاء: 8:30 صباحًا - 6 مساءً
الخميس: 9 صباحًا - 5 مساءً
الجمعة: 8 صباحًا - 3 مساءً
السبت: 9 صباحًا - 1 مساءً (كل عطلة نهاية أسبوع ثانية)
الأحد: مغلق