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Under fives teeth decay ‘improving’

But does the dentistry Manchester specialist agree with these findings?

The latest figures from Public Health England show that the number of five-year-olds suffering with tooth decay is now at its lowest level for almost a decade. The report also states, however, that the highest rates of tooth decay were found among children living in the North West of England. According to Carisbrook Dental though, dentistry Manchester figures show that there are even significant variations within the North West region. According to the report, in 2008 nearly one third of five-year-olds in England (177,423 in all) suffered with tooth decay. By 2015 this figure had fallen to a quarter (166,467)Carisbrook, who is recognised as a leading force in dentistry Manchester has said that they too have seen improvements but, they remind us, changes are influenced very much by family lifestyles. If parents are educated in good oral health practices then their children will follow the same routines and as adult’s oral health has improved so too has the health of their children’s teeth.[caption id="attachment_4067" align="aligncenter" width="404"]

Dentistry Manchester

Dentistry Manchester[/caption]A key part of the Carisbrook preventative dentistry practice is to help parents protect their children against tooth decay. This means providing good professional advice regarding the limiting of sugary drinks and foods, which are a major cause of children’s tooth decay. As the leading dentistry Manchester clinic Carisbrook dentists and hygienists also show children (as well as their parents) how they should brush their teeth to best effect. This should be done at least twice a day using a good fluoride toothpaste. While children are still at a very young age parents should perform the brushing operation themselves, but as the child develops then parents should still be there to supervise that it is being carried out correctly.Carisbrook have also commented that the water in the North West region is not as fluoridated as in some other parts of the country. Because of this they recommend that parents, in addition to using a fluoride toothpaste, should also prompt their children to use a fluoride mouthwash and they remind parents that they can obtain fluoride supplements from their dentist.A most important piece of advice from the dentistry Manchester specialists is to ensure that children regularly go to visit their dentist for check-ups. Twice a year is recommended so that the dentist can keep an eye on the condition and development of the child’s teeth and can spot if there is any cause for concern.If you would like to book an appointment for your child to see a dentist or if you would like to discuss the health of your children’s teeth or require any advice then please call us on 0161 951 7295 or you can send us an online message using the form on our Contact page.

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رعاية الأسنان في كاريسبروك
6 طريق نوسلي، وايتفيلد،
مانشيستر. متر 54 6 قدم
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