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What are your options if you have chips to your front teeth?

What are your options if you have chips to your front teeth?This is a common problem and one which has many options. Teeth can chip/wear for many reasons. If the cause is tooth grinding then its best to have a mouth guard made by your dentist to prevent teeth chipping again. If the tooth has worn or simply chipped then a mouth guard may not be needed.OPTIONS:

  1. If the chip is small and not in the direct bite we can build up teeth with white fillings (White filling bonding), these can even be done as an emergency dental procedure. They can look very good and last many years. They do however wear as natural teeth and can stain
  2. Contouring the tooth may be an option if the chip is very small. This is a simple and cost effective option with little complications
  3. If the chip is large and the tooth needs strengthening then a crown is an option. A porcelain crown strengthens a tooth and if done correctly can look very good. As any dentistry the crown will need replacing normally after 12 years
  4. If the chip is small to medium another option may be to place a dental veneer over the tooth. A veneer is more conservative on the tooth and again can last many years.

WHICH OPTION IS BEST FOR METhis is something you need to discuss with your dentist. If your dentist simply tells you what is best for you, then frankly you need to find a new dentist. Here at Carisbrook we take pride on the fact we spend time with our patients discussing things in detail. Although we are based in Whitefield, Manchester we have patients who come and see us from all over the country.Please click on this link for more information - Cosmetic DentistryHere is a case Dr Idrees completed recently, the patient a young lawyer had a course of invisible braces by our orthodontist. After braces the patient did not like the wear to her front two incisors. Dr Idrees built these teeth up with nano composites white fillings – which are the most advanced white filling materials in the world

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