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How to stop snoring… and improve your life

Most people snore at some time or another, although it has to be said that some people snore more loudly and more persistently than others. But if you snore and your partner doesn’t then it can very quickly become most unpleasant and disturbing. It can ruin sleep night after night. So to improve the quality of life for everyone concerned and maybe surprisingly even for the sake of your health… you should take action as quickly as possible to stop snoring.

And it isn’t difficult to do.

Our snoring treatment solution does not require surgery or any invasive procedures. In fact at Carisbrook Dental it is a proven stop snoring remedy that we have been successfully providing to our patients for many years with excellent results.

What causes snoring?

Snoring is normally caused when during sleep the muscles of the neck relax, enabling the soft palate and surrounding tissues as well as the soft tissue in the upper throat to vibrate. It is this vibration that produces the loud sound we know as snoring.

Everyone can snore but factors that can add to the problems of loud snoring include stress and tension, being overweight and of course over imbibing in drink, which again causes you to relax. Although the snorer them self may not be aware of the noise, their partners usually are and the UK Marriage Council has stated that in almost 25 per cent of marriage breakdowns, snoring was a major factor. So if for no other reason – stop snoring now for the sake of your relationship.

Snoring is not just annoying though; it can pose a serious health risk for the snorer. People who snore are also at risk of sleep apnoea – which in certain circumstances can be life threatening.

It has been proved that sleep apnoea can cause high blood pressure and put a severe strain on the heart. So much so in fact that many cardiovascular surgeons now recommend a snoring treatment solution using dental appliances.

At Carisbrook we recommend a Mandibular Advancement Device. It is something we have used on countless patients over many years and we know from experience that it is an excellent way to help people to stop snoring.

Each of these devices is specially made for a particular patient. It is worn at night and it serves to push the tongue down and the lower jaw ever so slightly forward. This effectively prevents the soft palate from vibrating and so it will stop snoring.

If you think that it sounds uncomfortable, don’t worry, nearly every one of our patients who have used these devices has told us that they soon get so used to it that they hardly know that it’s there.

Everybody also tells us how it has definitely helped them to stop snoring and that it has vastly improved the quality of their sleep, their life and of course that of their partner.

If you suffer from a snoring problem and want to know more about our snoring treatment solution then book a FREE CONSULTATION with our dental team. You can call us on 0161 951 7295 or alternatively you can contact us by using the online form on our Appointments page.

Stop Snoring

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رعاية الأسنان في كاريسبروك
6 طريق نوسلي، وايتفيلد،
مانشيستر. متر 54 6 قدم
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الإثنين: 9 صباحًا - 5 مساءً
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السبت: 9 صباحًا - 1 مساءً (كل عطلة نهاية أسبوع ثانية)
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